The Adventure

The adventure takes place in the last few years of Théah’s 20th centaury. The knights of Die Kreuzritter have uncovered a potential base of Thalusai activity. In this time the barrier is in tatters and more and more ‘strangers’ find it easy to slip through. While the knights still patrol as best they can, their operations have fallen back to fighting the enemies of humanity that are active on Théah. While it is not common knowledge, or official policy, the knights have a tentative partnership with Sophia’s Daughters. Neither society truly trusts the other, but times are desperate and both societies need help to push back the Thalusai menace.

The characters gather in Altamira, where the knights have discovered a potential Thalusai stronghold. All they want done at the moment is for the group to establish whether or not the knights’ suspicions are correct. If they are, then they can call in some sort of team. However, if it is a waste of time, they will have not wasted Kreuzritter resources. For this reason, while there is one member of both the Kreuzritter and the Daughters on the team, they have hired in a bunch of freelancers – the rest of the group.

The building in question is a large office block, which is home to a number of different companies. The actual owners of the building are a legal firm called ‘Glass and Partners’ who are located two thirds up the building on the fifteenth floor. There is little or nothing in their offices to help the characters learn the truth. However their company logo has an odd Syrneth flavour. It contains no actual Syrneth characters, but the style and form of the characters in the logo fits Syrneth writing style perfectly.

The players can attempt to access the building in many different ways. They could steal a pass from one of the many employees who drink in the nearby Altamira bars. They could get hired on the overnight cleaning crews that are contracted out, who always need help. Anyone with military or police experience may be able to get involved on the security staff, but that will take some sweet talking, especially to get assigned to that particular building.

Once inside the players may learn that there is a secret sub level to the building. The lifts have a locked panel that reveals a key switch to drop the lift down to the sub-basement level. The usual security station (on the ground floor) has no cameras there, but the chief security officer has a key for the lift. Characters should be wary of approaching him, as he is in fact a Thalusai agent.

Inside the sub-basement is a lab, where the Thalusai are working on several strange experiments. There are several Thalusai here, as this is one of their main strongholds. The whole office block is simply a cover for their activities below. The knights were right about the place, perhaps too right, as this may well be out of the player’s league!

If the group manage to infiltrate the lab and observe the experiments they will notice two main things. Firstly that the Thalusai have constructed some form of Porté gate, and secondly that they are building a nuclear device. It should become apparent that they intend to detonate the device while it is phased near the barrier. This may well bring down the barrier as well as decimate the city of Altamira. What the Thalusai don’t know is that their enemies the Kreuzritter are based very nearby. This plan could destroy the knights’ main base of operations and even cut off their access to the dark paths. With the barrier down, and the knights’ power to stop them taken away, there will be little to stop the Thalusai beginning a full invasion of Théah. That is unless the players can get some help and stop them, and quickly, because the atomic device is very nearly complete.