Sir Oswald - Avalon Knight of Elaine



Oswald's Twenty Questions

1 - What country are you from?
Avalon. Our glorious country is ruled by the fair Queen Elaine who has brought back hope and prosperity to a people who were slipping away from the rest of Théah.

2 - How would you physically describe yourself?
Tall and strong, some have called me handsome. I am proud to wear the colours of Queen Elaine and make efforts to be well presented. A knight must shine on the battle field as well as off.

3 - Do you have any recurring mannerisms?
What? Oh sorry, got a little distracted there. I thought that I saw something suspicious moving in the undergrowth. What? Ah, probably best not to approach a fairy circle with a blade drawn. Anyway, what were you saying? There are simply too many distractions, don't you think?

4 - What is your main motivation?
Honour and the preservation of life. We have but few precious moments in this world and must do everything in our power to aid one another.

5 - What is your greatest strength, and weakness?
True strength lies in one's heart. In the beliefs that carry us through the bad times and the good. Weaknesses, well we each have our own. Some people's company makes me rather uncomfortable, especially when they are laughing and I know it's about me.

6 - What are your most and least favourite things?
Well spoken words whether heard on a stage or elsewhere cut right to my heart and can move me to laughter or tears. Words spoken hastily and without thought turn my heart to stone and fill my belly with a fiery anger.

7 - What is your psychology?
Life is simplest when the right choice is clear, but when things become muddled it becomes very difficult to tell friend from foe. Anyone could be a member of B.U.A.C.T.

8 - What is your single greatest fear?
One day they will come for me. My friends will not be there for me and no other will take my place to carry on the good work.

9 - What are your highest ambitions, and greatest love?
To see my best friend returned to his senses and taking over the work that Theus had tasked him. Perhaps then I can find the path again that I wondered and can now no longer find. Words and memories that were once mine will be revealed to me again.

10 - What is your opinion of your country?
It is the finest country in al of Théah. Long live Queen Elaine and long live the triple Kingdoms.

11 - Do you have any prejudices?
Only for men who have no honour. Fortunately there are few such rascals in the world.

12 - Where do your loyalties lie?
To my Queen and country. To my friends and any who are in need.

13 - Are you in love, betrothed or even married?
Alas, no. Perhaps some day when I return my sword I will find love.

14 - What is your family like?
I remember little of them. My memories of them are hazy and fading slowly with time. I pray that I will be saved in time to return to them.

15 - How would your parents describe yourself?
'Well, there's a sight for sore eyes. Where have you been all these years? It's all well and good going off gallivanting on behalf of your friend but you've got your own life to lead and a great talent to develop'.

16 - Are you a gentleman/woman?
A gentleman's gentleman.

17 - How religious are you, and which church sect do you follow?
Observant and Church of Avalon.

18 - Are you a member of a guild, gentleman’s club or secret society?
A proud Knight of Elaine and member of the Swordsman's Guild.

19 - What do you think of sorcery?
It is a gift from Theus. There are some creatures that are benevolent to us and should be treated with respect. There are some that wield terrible powers which the innocent should be protected from.

20 - What advice do you need to hear?